Thank you for using Jointak's Label Net online ordering system, globally recognised as the leading platform for ordering, tracking and managing data within the clothing, footwear and accessories industries.

You will receive a confirmation email shortly, providing details regarding the orders you have successfully placed with us.

To monitor the progress of your orders throughout our production and distribution processes, kindly log back into Label Net and navigate to the "Order Tracking" section.

For any inquiries or assistance pertaining to your orders or for guidance on using our Label Net system, please do not hesitate to reach out to your nearest Jointak office. Click here for our contact details.

We sincerely look forward to serving you again in the near future.

感谢您使用Jointak的Label Net在线订购系统, 该系统被全球公认为服装, 鞋类和配饰行业中订购, 追踪和管理数据的领先平台.

您很快将会收到一封确认电子邮件, 其中包含您成功下单的订单详细信息. 为了监控您的订单在我们的生产和分销过程中的进展情况, 请登录Label Net并导航至“订单追踪”部分.

如果您对订单有任何疑问或需要帮助, 或者需要关于如何使用我们的Label Net系统的指导, 请随时联系您所在地最近的Jointak办公室. 点击此处获取我们的联系方式.
